Fairy Tail Will Never Catch Up With One Piece?

Although I made such a title for my article, I never means that it is necessary for a comparison between Fairy Tail and One Piece. I’m a fan both of Fairy Tail and One Piece.

But there are still many anti-fans criticizing Fairy Tail as a copycat of One Piece.

In my heart, they are both irreplaceable masterpiece. I have some questions to ask those ones dislike Fairy Tail.

Do you really read this Fairy Tail manga ever?

You quit watching Fairy Tail anime because of the bad first two episodes, doesn’t you?

Do you know that Hiro Mashima sensei has never been so ambitious to surpass One Piece?

As a new star in Japanese comics industry, Mashima devotes much effort and enthusiasm to Fairy Tail, making it better and better. Nothing can cover Fairy Tail manga’s light.

And if you insist on watching Fairy Tail anime, you’ll find that its image quality gets improved and its episodes are very awesome.

Fairy Tail has almost every facts of a fabulous manga. Humorous conversation, touching plot, impressive scenes, shocking fights and intertwined mysteries… Each of them makes me unable to stop.

Detailed emotional description is Fairy Tail’s bright spot. Spirits of Fairy Tail, inspiration to join Guild, friendship and teamwork, family bond, love… That builds up our band with Fairy Tail and become so strong and warm-blood.
